But as a Nursing major I thought now would be a great time to share my feelings on fixies (as commuter bikes). See if you can figure it out:
1. Performance
2. Fixed Skateboards
3. Here is a photo compilation... medically based as to the results of using your Knees (Patella and Patellar tendone) along with the supporting elements (femur, tibia, and fibula) of your body instead of some sexy Shimano brakes to stop your bike in traffic:
Knee Replacement:
Arthritis at a young age (possibly while still in college!):
All of this knee damage will result with the risk of a once ferocious racer traveling to the bar and ECCC dance parties/banquets with a much smaller set of wheels and a new carbon frame:
So, in the commuting world, pick a safe option. And please, kids... wear your helmet!
Happy Trails... Pray for SnowMaggie.
Disclaimer: This post is by no means meant to rag on Track Racing, I just want you to commute in safety style.